Sudden Death Documented During 24-hour Holter Monitoring


  • Kárila Scarduelli Luciano Hospital Regional Hans Dieter Schmidt – Setor de Cardiologia – Joinville (SC), Brazil.
  • Rafael Zoppi Campane Hospital Regional Hans Dieter Schmidt – Setor de Cardiologia – Joinville (SC), Brazil.
  • Rafaela Louise Sales Hospital Regional Hans Dieter Schmidt – Setor de Cardiologia – Joinville (SC), Brazil.
  • Alessandra Kraus Hospital Regional Hans Dieter Schmidt – Setor de Cardiologia – Joinville (SC), Brazil.
  • Erden Ramirez Pestana Hospital Regional Hans Dieter Schmidt – Setor de Cardiologia – Joinville (SC), Brazil.
  • Rafael de March Ronsoni Hospital Regional Hans Dieter Schmidt – Setor de Cardiologia – Joinville (SC), Brazil.


Sudden death, Ventricular fibrillation, Ambulatory electrocardiography


A 50-year-old female patient admitted for etiological syncope investigation. A 24-hour Holter was installed where the record showed the mechanism of sudden cardiac death. Sudden bradycardia caused by paroxysmal atrioventricular block led to torsades de pointes, ventricular fibrillation and death. This case shows the importance of Holter in the chronology of arrhythmic events that lead to sudden death and highlights a poorly reported event – the occurrence of cardiac death during 24-hour Holter monitoring.


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How to Cite

Luciano, K. S. ., Campane, R. Z. ., Sales, R. L. ., Kraus, A. ., Pestana, E. R. ., & Ronsoni, R. de M. . (2020). Sudden Death Documented During 24-hour Holter Monitoring. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 32(4), 252–256. Retrieved from



Clinical Arrythmia