Lead Dislodgement Post Invasive Hemodynamic Assessment after Atrioventricular Node Ablation and Biventricular Pacemaker


  • Neiberg de Alcantara Lima Wayne State University – Division of Cardiology – Department of Internal Medicine – Detroit-MI, USA.
  • Francisco Flavio Costa Filho Western Michigan University – Department of Internal Medicine – Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine – Kalamazoo-MI, USA.
  • Randy Lieberman Wayne State University – Division of Cardiology – Department of Internal Medicine – Detroit-MI, USA. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6949-4673
  • Preeti Ramappa Wayne State University – Division of Cardiology – Department of Internal Medicine – Detroit-MI, USA | John V Dingell VA Medical Center – Department of Cardiology – Detroit-MI, USA


Pacemaker, Cardiac resynchronization therapy


A man with history of Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF), Atrioventricular (AV) node ablation followed by biventricular pacemaker placement was hospitalized for dyspnea. During invasive hemodynamic assessment patient had brief episode of asystole due to lead displacement. Right catheterization should be cautiously performed in patients with intracardiac devices, when done safety protocols should be followed.


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How to Cite

Lima, N. de A., Costa Filho, F. F., Lieberman, R., & Ramappa, P. (2023). Lead Dislodgement Post Invasive Hemodynamic Assessment after Atrioventricular Node Ablation and Biventricular Pacemaker. JOURNAL OF CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, 36(1). Retrieved from https://jca.emnuvens.com.br/jca/article/view/3495



Cardiac Pacing
